Happy New Year!

2021 is officially in the books! Prelude in Kennebunkport was very festive with all the bright decorations and people were in the Christmas spirit, taking a break from the issues we all have been facing. The store was decorated and ready for the holiday season and the little ornaments were in such demand it was out of control haha!

At this time of year I think more like a business woman and a little less like an artist. In my job I wear a lot of hats, artist, framer, business woman and boss. I often get asked if I get tired of my job, my answer is no because I just switch hats when I need a break.

Now is the time we ask, did we meet our goals for 2021? What can we do different in the little store? What worked what didn’t and the questions go on and on. In January we do take a break and this is when the ideas start flowing such as a new product. I am going to be introducing a new calendar to my calendar line and I am working on the planning for it now. I have a few commissions to wrap up and end of the year inventory to finalize, that definitely will take up January.
February is like starting with a clean slate. I start restocking items for the store and some serious painting will be happening as I now have 3 calendars to complete. I also would like to start some watercolor painting lessons (keep watching for more info). And the Facebook lives will start again.
Stay tuned for more blogs on the behind the scenes of WWG Fine Art! As well as upcoming information.

Have a great 2022!

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