Wendy Webster Good Fine Art is a gallery located in the popular summer destination of Kennebunkport, Maine. Our space – The Gallery on Goose Rock – features a mix work by local crafters, prints, and original paintings.

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Meet Wendy

Wendy Webster Good Fine Art is a gallery located in the popular summer destination of Kennebunkport, Maine. The gallery showcases a collection of Wendy’s original watercolor paintings and prints, alongside works by other talented local artists and crafters. The Gallery at Goose Rocks offers something for both budget-conscious buyers and seasoned collectors, with a diverse selection of art that captures the beauty and spirit of Maine. In addition to the artwork, the gallery provides custom framing services and on-site design consultations, helping clients choose the perfect frame for their pieces. 

We believe that a thorough understanding of the artwork enhances its appreciation, so our priority is educating customers about the vision of our artists and crafters.


A Fresh Start at The Gallery: What’s New for 2025!

 Welcome, 2025, and a New Beginning at The Gallery at Goose Rocks Road! We’re all moved in and ready to go! Take a virtual tour of the gallery here. I’m happy to share that business has been off to a great start this year. January seems to be the perfect ...
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Wendy Webster Good Fine Art
88 Goose Rocks Road
Kennebunkport, ME
04046 | 207.229.3167
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